Parenting Resources
Within this thoughtfully curated collection, you’ll find a range of resources that embody the values and principles of positive parenting. Through your own consistent study, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical guidance on a wide range of topics on raising children. Contact me for more information and guidance.
Positive Parenting/Adlerian Parenting
Children the Challenge by Rudolph Dreikurs
Parenting With Courage and Uncommon Sense by Linda Jessup and Emory Luce Baldwin
Duct Tape Parenting by Vicki Hoefle
Honey, I Wrecked the Kids by Alyson Schafer
Ain’t Misbehavin’ by Alyson Schafer
Life in the Family Zoo by John M Platt
Positive Discipline – all books from the entire series by Jane Nelsen
The Creative Force by Betty Lou Bettner and anything else by Betty Lou Bettner
Win the Whining War and Other Skirmishes by Cynthia Whitham
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham
Delivered From Distraction by Dr. Edward Hallowell, MD and John J Ratey, MD and other books by Dr. Edward Hallowell
Driven to Distraction by Dr Edward Hallowell, MD and John J Ratey, MD
Late, Lost, and Unprepared by Joyce Cooper-Kahn, PhD and Laurie Dietzel, PhD
Parenting Kids on the Spectrum (ASD)
You Just Have to Love Me by Heidi Rome
Robbie’s World and his Spectrum of Adventures - Series by Cindy Gelormini
Child Development
Your One-Year-Old and books for other ages in the series by Louise Bates Ames and Frances L. Ilg
Being a Parent
Health and Safety
Ensuring Child Safety at Home article about the importance of CPR and first aid by Pacific Medical
Parenting Teens
Positive Discipline for Teenagers by Jane Nelsen ED.D. and Lynn Lott, M.A., M.F.T.
Sex & Sensibility by Deborah Roffman
Talk to Me First by Deborah Roffman
Yes, Your Teen is Crazy by Michael Bradley
Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman
Masterminds and Wingmen by Rosalind Wiseman
The R.A.T. Real World Aptitude Test by Homer H Moyer
Untangled by Lisa Damour
Sibling Issues
Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings by Dr Laura Markham
Understanding Brain Development
The Whole Brained Child by Daniel Siegel, MD
The Yes Brain by Daniel Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson
Books for Kids
Everyone Feels Anxious Sometimes and other “Everyone Feels…” books in the series by Daniela Owen
Robbie’s World and His Spectrum of Adventures by Cindy Gelormini
Ninja Life Hacks by Mary Nhin and Jelena Stupar
An excellent list of recommended kids’ books on character-building challenges and stories vetted by a wonderful counselor can be found here.
Therapists & Coaches I Like
Lindsey Robertson Therapist: Individual, Couples, and Family Treatment
Cara Maksimow Therapist, Coach, Author: Lose the Mommy Guilt
Pascale Brady The Challenge Coach, For life and business challenges
Natalie Gipson Gipson College Consulting
Diane Sottile ADHD Coach
Evelyn Cucchiara The Toy Tamer: Playroom Organizing that Works